Chris Matthews is a tool
And seems to be in 7th grade. Media Matters takes him on:
There's a long list of transgressions in the linked article, and I'm sure it's only a partial one. Matthews is the sort of talking head i find most grating, not only because he's such a backwards idiot, but because he's so self-assured in his oppressive behavior. Time to give the good old boy the boot.
Chris Matthews has been treating female guests as sexual objects for years. He has been judging women -- senators, presidential candidates, the speaker of the House -- on their clothes and their voices and their appearance for years. He has been referring to women as "castrating" for years. He has been applying double standards to male and female candidates for years.
This is who Chris Matthews is. He is a man who thinks that men who support women politicians are "eunuchs."
He isn't going to stop unless you make him stop. Chris Matthews uses his voice to marginalize women. Use yours to tell MSNBC you've had enough.
There's a long list of transgressions in the linked article, and I'm sure it's only a partial one. Matthews is the sort of talking head i find most grating, not only because he's such a backwards idiot, but because he's so self-assured in his oppressive behavior. Time to give the good old boy the boot.