Monday, November 08, 2004

Morning C-SPAN

Washington Journal had an interesting spot with ACT's Harold Ickes and Simon Rosenberg of the NDN.

While I concur with most of their thoughts on the weakness of Democrats this election being due to a number of failures rather than some sole blunder, and that the superiority of the right-wing political machine, rather than some sort of manifestation of majority will, gave the GOP their electoral power, I think they still fail to see a way out of the hole they and their ilk have dug for the party. Their obsession with messaging and the traditional media -- Ickes laments the power of Fox News and Rush, and Rosenberg is equally uninspired -- ignores what real advantages we showed this time. Dean gathered hundreds of grassroots organizers with the internet, and Kerry raised $81 million through it, versus only $11 million by Bush. Blogs reached thousands of Americans; Atrios alone collected something like $275 thousand for Kerry. That fundraising reveals real grassroots dedication to progressive values, and an information infrastructure that Democrats would do well to embrace.

Then they go and laugh at some crazy woman who blames Democrats for immoral movies. Now, the caller was a nutball, but laughing at her and smiling with such obvious condescension just exacerbates the right-wing spin that the Dems are elitists who hate Americans. Correct the lady, but please respect her. We'd best try to find out where people get such inane ideas and then counter those sources, rather than just make fun of the ignorant.

Also, Rosenberg articulates the crazy untenable position Democrats had on Gay Marriage this season:

... Democrats are against Gay Marriage but also against the Constitutional Ammendment, and I think that's where the majority of Americans are.

I'm not questioning the complexity of the issue for the party and the subsequent complex solution which it may demand. But dammit, we need to show some spine. Leadership in civil rights is not bowing to where the majority of Americans might be in respect to their tyranny over an oppressed minority. We've got to take a stand against ignorance, and be for what is right rather than what is popular. Maybe party can't do that, and it'll be up to activists as always. But at some point before this is won the party will have to come around and provide the institutional support the movement will need.

(Thanks to svefn_g_englar_ for the heads up.)


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