Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Crappy HIV Testing

GW offered free HIV testing today.

The Student Global AIDS Campaign has been pushing for free or cheaper testing all year, since current costs for a full spectrum of STD tests runs upwards of $80. So what was the reaction from SGAC here on campus? Joy? Elation? Relief?

Well, we thought so. Then some of us tried to get tested. Oops!

Seems there were only 25 test kits available. I went around 12:30 and was the 40th student turned down for testing. The event was scheduled to run from 11 am to 3 pm, so I can only imagine how many more were left untested.

This is bad news for GW administrators, who've been relying on arguments of low demand and personal responsibility to justify not offering lower-priced testing at the student health center. Well, demand was high today.

Now, the claim made when I visited was that Washington Free Clinic was providing the tests, and their resources are better spent on folks who can't pay for testing, rather than rich college students. Hmm, aren't 80 percent of GW students on some form of financial aid? Aren't college students some of the most indebted people out there, especially as a percent of annual income? I don't know too many people who can shell out 80 bucks right now. I'll accept that the clinic has other priorities, though. Which is exactly why GW, whose priority is its students, needs to finance affordable testing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*crowd cheers wildly* Amen.

April 13, 2005 at 9:10 PM  

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