Monday, May 30, 2005

Why war won't stop terrorism

This, from a Plastic quicklink, points to the problem:

Much of the discussion has focused on how to deal with the rise of a new generation of terrorists, schooled in Iraq over the past couple years. Top government officials are increasingly turning their attention to anticipate what one called "the bleed out" of hundreds or thousands of Iraq-trained jihadists back to their home countries throughout the Middle East and Western Europe. "It's a new piece of a new equation," a former senior Bush administration official said. "If you don't know who they are in Iraq, how are you going to locate them in Istanbul or London?"

Exactly. The real solutions to international terrorism may involve police work and peace-building, or any number of other strategic actions. They most certainly do not begin with conventional warfare and occupation, which we've seen is best at fomenting rebellion from the norms we seek to spread.


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