Sunday, August 21, 2005

Gas isn't expensive enough

Sure, it's way high for my tastes. The Post has an article saying that I have an average price of $2.67 per gallon to look forward to when I return to the Washington area (good thing I don't own a car).

But that's still not expensive enough to make hydrogen economical. This morning, I read in a blurb in the September issue of Wired that hydrogen is still 85 times more expensive per unit of energy produced. Plus, it costs $400k to convert a gas station to pump hydrogen, and that still doesn't solve the problem of transporting it there.

So, President Bush's solution to our problems is hydrogen-fueled cars? Sure. At this rate, it'll make sense in, oh, about 50 years.


Blogger Mary said...

Interesting, I did not know that. Of course, for those that can afford hydrogen, there is the added bonus of being environmentally friendly (only biproduct is H2O). I just don't get why Bush is all about hydrogen, when what we really need right now is lots more empahsis on hybrids (we own one, it's fantastic at 40 miles to the gallon highway and city) and biodiesel (which is just the shit).

August 21, 2005 at 4:38 PM  
Blogger onlooker said...

I think it's because to make enough hydrogen we'll have to build a bunch of power plants to power electrolysis. What kind of plants, you ask? Why Nukular, of course! And we know how he loves saying that.

But seriously, it is about the nuclear power lobby, and the need to have nuclear plants to produce materials for strategic nuclear weapons. The people in both sides of the nuclear industry give republicans a lot of money.

August 21, 2005 at 11:28 PM  

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