Monday, September 12, 2005


From the Post:

"The storm didn't discriminate and neither will the recovery effort," Bush said

The thing that bothers me most about the Katrina situation in regards to race is that (a) it doesn't seem that any effort was made to evacuate the masses of poor people in New Orleans and (b) because of structural problems in our society, the majority of those poor people not evacuated were black.

I don't know whether the people were ignored because they were black or because they were poor, or just because our government is run by a bunch of rich people too ignorant to realize that a lot of people don't have cars. What I do know is that if efforts are not made in the reconstruction to rebuild our society as a more equitable one, that failure will most certainly be racist, because it will compound our racist structural problems.

Bush may not hate black people, but I think Kanye West may be proven right - neither has Bush shown any proof that he cares about them.


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