Monday, October 31, 2005

Scalito it is

Bush has nominated Judge Samuel Alito, Jr. to replace O'Connor. Just what we need to replace the swing vote - a Scalia clone.

...liberals are likely to focus on his opinions and dissents, most notably in the 1991 case, Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

In that case, Alito joined joined a Third Circuit panel in upholding most of a Pennsylvania law imposing numerous restrictions on women seeking abortions. The law, among other things, required physicians to advise women of the potential medical dangers of abortion and tell them of the alternatives available. It also imposed a 24-hour waiting period for abortions and barred minors from obtaining abortions without parental consent.

The panel, in that same ruling, struck down a single provision in the law requiring women to notify their husband's before they obtained an abortion. Alito dissented from that part of the decision.

Oh, good, we've got a nominee who wants women to be required to tell their husbands before getting abortions. That sounds like a guy who's going to be watching out for women's rights.

Consider me opposed to this nomination.


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