Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SGAC in the Press

So, SGAC and SCCS chapters are spending this week gathering phone calls to Senator Frist's office, demanding full funding of the $700 million US fair share of the Global Fund (that means $250 million more than what's been committed so far this year). We all use the message that Frist should "wake up" to the funding crisis at the Fund, and the moral imperative to do our part as the world's wealthiest nation.

As part of this week of action, some of us in DC decided to actually visit Frist's office to wake him up. And what better way is there to wake up than with a hot cup of coffee? We brought the senator one cup every 10 minutes from nine to noon; needless to say, this was a bit out of the ordinary for the office staff, and they took notice. More fun stories a bit later, I promise.

So far, we've got stuff up on Indymedia, and an awesome spot in this WBAI broadcast. (It's about 12.5 minutes into the linked mp3.)


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