Monday, April 17, 2006

On silence

So it's been some time since I've written here. It'd be a long explanation if I chose to go into it, but the short version is that I found somewhere even more interesting than the blogosphere in which to hang out (or would it be "out which to hang? So confused).

It's a strange place filled with politics, peer-to-peer interaction, music and communities. I happened upon it and quickly became hooked, to the point that it's obviously impinging on my online life. I'd describe it to you, but for the uninitiated, it'd just be a bunch of technical jargon. I can't even link to it.

Anyway, it's called reality. I highly recommend it.


Blogger Mary said...

Hah. Yeah, that reality, it's something isn't it? Glad to know where you've been. Since you're so into this reality stuff now, how about calling me sometime and we can go get some (and maybe a couple drinks) together?

April 17, 2006 at 4:04 PM  

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