Monday, August 07, 2006

Astroturf alert

Slashdotters are discussing the latest propaganda:

That work of art was created, apparently, by a PR firm used by both the GOP and Exxon. Hmm. Should we be more upset that someone is attempting to manipulate the public through YouTube, or that we're supposed to be convinced by such a lump of crap?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOW I understand what Ted Stevens meant about the Internet is just a bunch of tubes!!!!!


August 7, 2006 at 9:20 PM  
Blogger Interested Soldier said...

Seriously. The word that comes to mind is either a. pathetic, or b. retardalicious.

It combined (relatively) high production values with a real lack of entertainment value any real catchiness combined with a fairly dumb central concept, poorly executed.

Also, they misspelled skinniness.

It's kind of sad that someone spent money on that. Also, at least pick Superman.... so much better than X Men 3.

August 8, 2006 at 12:30 AM  

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