Friday, April 15, 2005

A damned lie

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is set to engage in politics of the worst sort later this month. He'll be aligning himself with our version of the Taliban to claim that Democrats are using the filibuster to prevent people of faith from making it to the federal bench. The whole vile thing will be telecast from what the Times calls a "Kentucky megachurch." Check out the flier:

When a politician participates in such an event, they must take some responsibility for the views expressed. Frist's spokesman claims the Senator will be projecting a message like that which his speeches elsewhere have held, namely that the Democratic filibuster threat is unfair to Bush appointees. But by joining in this event, Frist most definitely endorses the extremist, vile rhetoric of its planners, one which seeks to divide our already strained nation. And it's clearly run by a bunch of self-interested liars - there's no way to honestly claim that Democrats are out to block Christians from anything. This is on par with the ridiculous "Kerry wants to ban the bible" filth spewed during the election.

What did we win when we got Trent Lott demoted? Frist seems like the same sort of bigot or panderer. Lets make sure that Delay's ouster actually means a change in who fills his shoes.

... AmericaBlog has a decent perspective, too.


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