Friday, November 18, 2005

Support the Global Fund

So, there is lots of confusion about what the House's LHHS appropriation rejection will mean for the Global Fund. One thing that's clear is that to get House support for the $100 million we need, the moderate Republicans who took a stand and defeated the last attempt at appropriation will have to support funding the Fund in whatever comes up next. If one of them is your rep, give them a call:

Republicans voting against HR 3010, Labor-HHS appropriations

(all numbers 202 area code)

Castle, Michael Deleware, 225-4165
Emerson, Jo Ann Missouri, 225-4404
Fitzpatrick, Mike Pennsylvania, 225-4276
Gerlach, Jim Pennsylvania, 225-4315
Gibbons, Jim Nevada, 225-6155
Johnson, Nancy Connecticut, 225-4476
Kirk, Mark Illinois, 225-4835
Leach, Jim Iowa, 225-6576
Moran, Jerry Kansas, 225-2715
Murphy, Tim Pennsylvania, 225-2301
Nunes, Devin California, 225-2523
Otter, Butch Idaho, 225-6611
Paul, Ron Texas, 225-2831
Pickering, Charles Mississippi, 225-5031
Platts, Todd Pennsylvania, 225-5836
Ramstad, Jim Minnesota, 225-2871
Renzi, Rick Arizona, 225-2315
Rogers, Michael Alabama, 225-3261
Simmons, Rob Connecticut, 225-2076
Stearns, Cliff Florida, 225-5744
Thomas, Bill California, 225-2915
Wilson, Heather New Mexico, 225-6316


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