Monday, December 19, 2005

Snippy McGee

Rough quotes from today's Bush press conference:

"Democracies don't war, democracies are peaceful countries."

Reeaally? Our country isn't making war? Or maybe we're not a democracy anymore...

Actually, Bush is just quoting from the democratic peace theory, which is basically the idea that the world would be all peachy if everyone elected their leaders, and we are therefore justified in doing whatever is necessary to bring that about. Well, that seems to be the Bush administration take on it at least. Problem is, the whole theory, as I learned in intro political science three years ago, has been rather debunked. Guess nonworking theories still function as justification within the White House, though.

"We're guarding your civil liberties ... by checking up on these programs regularly."

Hmm. A branch of the government checking itself. That sounds plausible. Bit curious that NASA's in charge of that, but I guess physicists are a fairly fastidious lot.

"I hope you can feel my passion about the patriot act"

Because it is soooo hot - want to touch the heiny.

I just loved the joke about his no-two-part-questions rule being an executive order not subject to congressional oversight, by the way. Because there's nothing funnier than the loss of my civil liberties and the destruction of the constitution.


Blogger Mary said...

Democratic peace theory is actually "democra[z]ies don't go to war against one another." So we're still considered democratic, becuase democracies sure as hell run roughshod over non-democratic countries in the name of peace and liberty. Ha.

P.S. the word verification for this comment had the word "mcpoo" in it. I'm terribly amused.

December 19, 2005 at 4:48 PM  
Blogger onlooker said...

Yeah, it's been a while since I took Intro to Nation Building, so I guess I forgot that part. What I do remember is that it's only established democracies that can be trusted - the transitional ones (i.e. what we hope to create in Iraq) are the most dangerous mothafuckas out there. But hey, that theory is total bunk anyway.

December 29, 2005 at 2:43 AM  

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