Thursday, March 02, 2006

The covert Whig conspiracy

The Editors have prepared another masterful work for your enjoyment. Highlight:

When it comes to vetoes, Bush isn’t in the same league with other presidents. No president since Warren Harding has finished with fewer than 21 vetoes. The last president with no vetoes was James Garfield, who was shot in his first year. In fact, three of the last four presidents who never vetoed a bill had a good excuse: Like Harding, they died in office: Garfield, Zachary Taylor, and William Henry Harrison. (The fourth was Taylor’s successor Millard Fillmore.)

So, is the Congress WPE’s bitch, or the other way ’round, or what? Reed doesn’t seriously try for an answer, preferring poli-sci nerd riffs such as “maybe WPE is secretly a Whig!

Go read the rest.


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