Friday, December 10, 2004

Tough Questions

I've enjoyed immensely the squirming of Rumsfeld now filling the airwaves; here's the NYT's original story. I don't think we should be at all worried that an imbedded reporter helped create the most reported question. While the vehicle armor query has been treated with much sensation, other soldiers asked things too, like why the Pentagon is relying on stop-loss so heavily, and why guard units seem to have less priority in receiving suitable equipment. Anyway, the soldier in question wouldn't have asked if he hadn't wanted to, and the cheers of other soldiers in response says something too.

At CNN, they're saying that the editor in charge has apologized for not telling readers about the planted question. Good for him, but I don't see it as a major infraction, and it's best that the question was asked no matter how it had to be done. The press has a responsibility to get the information and hold those in power accountable to the outcomes of their actions and decisions.

And I've got one thing to say to Don: support our troops.


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