Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Back from the holidays

and what do I find? 109,045 Americans lost their job in December! Not only that, but according to CNN that makes four straight months of 100k+ job loss, which hasn't happened since early 2002. This news is met, as has become tradition at CNN, with positive spin:

"The heavy year-end downsizing does not necessarily indicate a sudden weakening of the economy," said John Challenger, CEO of the firm. "The fact is, job cutting has become a permanent part of the corporate cost-management mix, as demonstrated by the fact that a strong financial sector still found nearly 100,000 jobs to eliminate."

What, then, is our measure of strength in the economy? I may label myself as quite Keynesian here, but I thought the whole point was to maintain the general welfare, if through increasing total wealth, not just to line the pockets of the wealthy. Oh, my bad, leaving people without jobs at Christmas is just good business!

Unsurprisingly, Pat Robertson was saying today that the economy is as great as ever. (I know, I know, why am I watching the 700 Club?) He cited corporate profits at over $1 trillion as a positive sign for the economy. I wonder, though, what corporate profit has to do with the well being of most Americans. And I really would like to hear Pat's reasoned argument for why christians should be happy over insane corporate greed and firing people just before Christmas.


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