Thursday, December 29, 2005

Movement building

I wonder if the largely successful New York City transit strike will be helpful in reversing the trend of decreasing unionization, or whether it just represents a short reprieve in organized labor's continued decline. Apparently they won on almost everything, which is good considering that the entire media establishment had sided with the MTA and Mayor Bloomberg.


Blogger Interested Soldier said...

Im not sure you can argue that the transit strike was "largely succcessful." They resumed work after only 2 days on strike and without any deal. It got attention... and a lot of ire. I'm all for unions, healthcare, etc., but these guys could be worse off.

December 29, 2005 at 11:04 PM  
Blogger onlooker said...

Did you check the link, dude? I guess I may be putting too much trust in the times, but they claim there is a deal, and that it's favorable to the unions.

What was the feeling in town, by the way?

December 30, 2005 at 10:40 AM  
Blogger Interested Soldier said...

The feeling in the town was mixed. There was sympathy for the union, but also a lot of people walking a long damn way to work in 20 degree weather... so mixed.

I'm not arguing that the Union isn't going to get what they wanted, only that the strike may not have been the deciding factor in that.

December 31, 2005 at 3:44 PM  

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