Friday, April 21, 2006

Obama '08

Please, please, please. The dude just gets it (from the Economist, via Kos):

The junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, one of the Democrats' most admired politicians, has tried to make a joke of it. "You hear this constant refrain from our critics that Democrats don't stand for anything," he remarked the other day. "That's really unfair. We do stand for anything."

I think he's our best hope since Bill, maybe even be more clever with words. And that is saying something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks perhaps the man needs a *touch* more experience before we should all jump on the bandwagon. If he turns out to be the mystical prophet the democrats think he is, count me in for Obama 2012 (not quite the same ring, I know). But can you seriously put less than 4 years in DC against someone like McCain?

To paraphrase the first lines of a really fabulous OpEd I read a while back, "Barack Obama is not Jesus. I know it seems rather obvious, but still I feel that it needs to be said.."

Then again, maybe he is. Maybe it doesn't really matter what experience he has or doesn't have (although if he can turn water into booze, he's got my vote!). Maybe we just need someone to rally behind and take us by the hand. Who knows? I'm interested to see how that plays out...

April 22, 2006 at 10:34 AM  
Blogger onlooker said...

Obama, like Clinton, is charisma incarnate. He is also one of few Democrats to speak in lofty terms about a vision for a united country, strong yet good. If we have anyone who can defeat the well-known and also purportedly idealistic McCain, it's Obama. I think Obama's dearth of experience is actually a huge asset, as the Congress has been so shamed by corruption scandals and capitulation to the Bush administration that I think association with it will be greatly detrimental to any candidate.

Also, 2012 is a long, long way away, and with any luck won't have a very contentious Democratic primary, since it's impolite to challenge a sitting president.

April 22, 2006 at 11:06 AM  

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